It's me, Seven!!1!
Hiya everyone. I got into webmastery last fall, and since then I've wanted to make a fansite for Pura. I really admire the dedication of my fansite forbears, and more than anything this is an homage to all of the work theyve done in the past.
I got into Pura around June of 2023 through some of their Spotify catalogue. Specifically, I really enjoyed Gessekai (from Singles Collection) and Nukegara. One of my fondest memories nowadays is standing on the beach on a really windy day listening to Nukegara. I had no idea what the song was about, but i felt like that moment was the tipping point of my becoming a new person.
Ever since, I've been in love with Pura. Tadashi is one of, if not my main inspirations as a bassist, and I admire Ryutaro's sense of style greatly. Akira is amazingly talented, and each drummer has their own charm.
Beyond the personal reasons, though, what draws me to Plastic Tree so much? I've been thinking it's something like this:
They represent what I love so much about making music with other people. They seem to have no concern for whether their music is "good" (it absolutely is) and instead focus on each bringing as much talent they can to every project to make something that's beautiful in its own way. Every one of them treats music like it's something they really, passionately love to do.